Thursday, 27 February 2014

Tackling Revision

So after a busy week of doing...well what ever the hell I want(!), I'm back to the post-it notes and revision guides, which means that once again blogging is forced to be pushed further and further down my 'to do list'.   However, like every person who has ever sat an exam, most the time I severely lack motivation... So how do you get through revision? By no means am I a revision expert, but I have picked up a couple of handy tips...

1. Post-it
  During revision I live by post-it notes! They are literally everywhere; every cupboard, every lightswitch, and even the bathroom! I find it the easiest way to learn little facts, words or quotes I need, and you'll forever associate it with the milk (or whatever it was stuck to). Caution- it may drive your family members mad!

  2. Lists
  So, I'm pretty sure I'm one of the most forgetful people that ever lived. If it's not written down, then don't expect me to remember it! A simple list helps me remember and prioritise my revision, and I don't know what I'd do without a 'to do' list on my chalk board!

  3. COLOUR!!!!
  Making pretty notes has to be the highlight of the darkness that is revision. Recently, I invested in some fine writer coloured pens, and since my motivation has been on an all time high!! 

  Well, I hope this helps anybody who is approaching their exams. As far as revision is concerned, keep it simple and varied, it works for me!! Good luck!!!!

Have you got any top tips?
Hannah Louise 

Friday, 14 February 2014

Blogentine's Day!

 " What is Blogentine's Day?" I hear you ask. Well, it is a brilliant event all kicked off by The Undecided Girl (my first event- shock-horror). Now, I saw this post on the 2nd February and I've been so excited since, so on with the post!

Amy V Norris

So, I'm not sure how long I've been reading Amy's, but I remember absolutely loving her blog design, which instantly makes me want to read it! Amy's posts are amazing! I think the best blogs are definitely the ones I can relate to, and where the writer actually seems like a REAL person, just like Amy, check it out!!

Gingerly Pale

  Jess' blog was one of the first blogs that I started to follow, and therefore I've always been interested in what she  has to say. Once again, you can see her personality in her writing, and I'm so thrilled that her little blog has become...well, a not so little blog! It's great!

Lisette Loves

  Lisette just makes me smile. Just from looking at her blog you can see how much she loves and thrives from blogging, and its inspiring! If you need a bit of humor, then turn to Lisette's last post, it won't disappoint!

and last but not least...

The Undecided Girl aka Jocelyn

 Yet another amazing blog (with a pretty damn chic design!!). Jocelyn has an amazing talent for making incredible blog posts from everyday life-which I envy so so much!! I love reading her blog, it's a good 'un!
P.S thank you for creating the event, I'm so glad I took part!!!

Happy Valentine's Day everybody!!!
Lots of love,
Hannah Louise

Monday, 3 February 2014

London's Burning RED| Taylor Swift

  100-and-however-many days ago, we started our long, lonnnnng countdown to a highly anticipated event... The RED Tour in London.  I could not wait! After all what could be more exciting that visiting a big, electric city with my best friends?! On Saturday, that day came.

  The familiar (but not familiar enough) sights of Kings Cross is always the perfect introduction to London's busy ways. This time we stayed in a part of the city I've never really seen, where The Shard shines down on you and the rivers just round the corner. Walking through Borough market seemed a real London welcome, a truly artistic and modernly old place (if that makes any sense).

  But anyway, it was a quick change, and straight to the O2 arena! And I have to say, it was one of the best things I have ever witnessed!! She is an amazing woman, who puts on a spectacular show, full of dancing, fun and surprises... one of those surprises being Mr Ed Sheeran (this is the point that I lost the little amount of composure that I had). Taylor mixed her newest singles with old classics, and the electric guitar and acoustic guitar, to create an amazingly dynamic show, but I think the pictures say more than I ever could:

Sunday went by in a bit of a blurry flash. The sun was shining over Camden market that morning as I sipped my hot chocolate, and admired the quirky stalls. Then we visited the shining stores of Oxford street, and all too soon it was time for the train home...

  It's definitely a weekend I won't be forgetting in a hurry; I feel so lucky to have gone!

Hannah Louise

P.S I will also be participating in Blogentine's Day, as featured on The Undecided Girl, I'm so excited, please go check it out!