Monday, 23 September 2013

Wonder by R.J Palacio | Book Review

  I bought this book not knowing what to expect. Usually, I buy books at friends recommendations, or because a lot hype surrounded them. But, this book just kept cropping up in my everyday life! It seems Amazon really wanted my purchase- it was a recommendation, and various editors' pick. I've never heard of R.J Palacio, but the blurb really captured my interest! So, I bought it...

  A Ten-year-old boy, Auggie Pullman, starts public school after ten years of being home schooled by his Mum. But Auggie isn't an ordinary boy,  he was born with a terrible face abnormality. The story follows his first year of middle school at Beecher Prep, where he finds both his best friends, and worst enemies.

  However, what I didn't know about this book was that it was told from several different perspectives. This novel isn't just about Auggie, it's about everybody he's close with. What I really found interesting about the story is how the characters all effect each other, how they all suffer hardship and problems, but never complain. They know that they have an easy life compared to those of others.

  Wonder is uplifting, funny, and extremely moving. I strongly recommend it. I thoroughly enjoyed it, and I really hope a sequel may appear!

 Go buy it,
Hannah Louise.

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