Monday, 30 June 2014


  Over the last couple of months, I have been a dreadful blogger.

  Where have I been? Well, the recent months (particularly the last seven weeks) have been by far the most intense time of my life (so far...). I suppose you could say it's been a 'landmark' time in my life; my teachers definitely have, as they tried to keep us motivated (mostly in vain). Although, I have:

  • sat exams
  • left school
  • sat more exams
  • and experienced the hype of year 11 prom.

   Today, when looking through pictures of the last year it finally occurred to me the amount of innovation that's happening in my life, and naturally it's daunting but also incredibly exciting! But, I also saw how much change the last year has brought me. Every couple of months I look back and think "Hannah, how could you be so stupid?!", I guess it comes with 'teenagerhood'. Finally, I'm embracing the evolution of me, as I know it will never stop, and so far it's led me to bigger and better things.

  Now is the time to make a real effort at the things I love. So more blogging, guitar playing, reading and the rest...

Hannah Louise
P.S. Boy! I've missed this!

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