Tuesday 28 January 2014

Ten things that make me happy this month...

    This January has been a pretty bland mixture of revision, work and just generally being busy (with the occasional hot chocolate thrown in there). But it's not been all bad... just not blog-worthy, which is the main reason that I haven't blogged in so long (a whole 25 days!!!) along with my recent lack of blogging fuel. So, this is just a quick, reflective post on my January:

1. Celebrating my lovely friend's 16th- Happy Birthday again Rhi!

2. Getting tickets to see Ed Sheeran *screams*

3. Spending time blog surfing, and finding some amazing new blogs!

4. Having a nice hot drink (in my favorite mug) after walking home from school.

5. Meeting the smallest pony I have ever seen!!!

6.Hand cream- hand cream always makes me happy...

7. Seeing my whole family.

8. Watching Taylor Swift's Grammy performance- pure genius.

9. Rereading one of my all time favorite books...

10. And finally, having a rather dramatic hair cut...

Here's to another month!

Hannah Louise

Friday 3 January 2014

Monthly Live-by #4| January 2014!!

  Happy New Year Bloggees!! 2014- wow it sounds weird... 2013 feels like its only just begun, but on reflection its been quite a year. For one it saw the birth of this blog, crazy stuff I know.

  Anyway, we all know that "new year, new me"  is a load of crap, but we can take small steps, which leads me perfectly onto my monthly'live-by'...

    I get so excited when I think of all the things that are going to happen this year. I'm finishing school, starting something new, my mums getting married, (and there maybe some new blog projects in planning(, so much to look forward too!

  2013 served me well, but I'm grabbing 2014's metaphorical bull by the horns, BRING ON THE OPPORTUNITIES!

  P.S Happy Birthday to my beautiful friend, Rhianna. Have a good 'un!

Hannah Louise