Monday, 24 June 2013


I know, I know... I haven't written in a long while, but i just couldn't find anything to write about. I spent ages writing rubbish around mindmaps, and I really didn't want to bore you with them! I look for things to write everywhere! Then I realized I was trying too hard...

 So, where do we find inspiration? Nearly everyday we have to write about things, whether it's in our Language lessons (writing a paragraph on the same holiday for the 7 Billionth time), or just using Twitter. Most the time we write about our experiences or just something we stumbled across, because that's what we know about. But I haven't really done much in the last week, and it wasn't until my friend showed  me a blog she really liked to read that I got any ideas. I realized that my blog 'topic' was right under my nose.... inspiration. Really it's everywhere!

 This blog has already taught me so much, I've faced difficulties already (and still have a lot to learn!). So, any fellow bloggers, writers, or just anybody really don't ignore the ordinary! That's what everyone can relate too, and we take it for granted... Look for 'The beauty in the ordinary'!

Thank you,
 Hannah Louise

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

The Rock Challenge Experience

  Rock Challenge is a global competition which basically promotes a healthy lifestyle and a 'natural high' through performance and dance. Your school has eight minutes to perform a dance with a clear story line and theme. Schools compete in various leagues ultimately to win awards and gain a premiere status.

 This year I did the most CRAZY, PRODUCTIVE and AMAZING thing I have ever done! After four years of Rocka, I finally decided to become a choreographer...

In December, these barmy, but brilliant, choreographers and teachers set to work on a theme. After various meetings we decided to base our theme around the story of Frankenstein, and how he creates a 'wife' but it all goes wrong. Oh dear!
An appropriate title!
  For the last six months our team of performers, crew, hair and make up, and costume designers worked tirelessly to create a performance good enough to hold our premiere status! And then finally performance day came...
A 6:15 start, but we were excited and had our  lucky mascot.
From then on its all day rehearsals and PARTY TIMEEEE!!
  So, we were randomly selected to go first, which nobody wants. But we went out with fighting spirit (and exceptional make up!!)

Our leads were so so so BRILLIANT! We couldn't of asked for more.
Oooo Scary....
 Our performance looked INCREDIBLE! We won five awards, which we never expected. Most importantly WE KEPT OUR PREMIERE STATUS!

 Overall, I couldn't ask for a more amazing experience!All the other schools were mind blowing! Rock Challenge has let me make new friends and grow in confidence. I would encourage any school or pupil to take part, it's definitely the best part of my school life. Thank you so much to our teachers who helped and let us do this especially Mrs Fowler, Mr West, and Miss Oldroyd ( I mean she jumped out of a plane for us!) and also the whole team. We really did it! Check out the Rock Challenge website, and @roydsrocka. BRING ON ROCKA 2014!!

Thank you,

Hannah Louise

Sunday, 2 June 2013

Show Me That You're Human...

Humans cant break. Some say we're fragile, and a lot of the time they're right. Humans aren't perfect, everyone has scares and things that they would rather forget. But you should embrace them!

I'm writing this blog post because too many people suffer from a low self-esteem, especially teenagers. I was listening to my favorite album, English Rain by Gabrielle Aplin,when one particular song caught my attention. Human.
It says " love your flaws and live for your mistakes". So, find the things that make you happy, go places that you love, and laugh the next time a friend tags you in an ugly photo on Facebook. Be proud of yourself and people will respect you.Do as you want. We have all had times when we haven't wanted to do anything, just stay in and watch TV or lay in bed. But that won't make things better. Be the best version of yourself, be the type of person you want to meet.

I hope this helps anyone who is having a hard time. I strongly recommend listening to Gabrielle Aplin's music, she is extremely talented! Just remember, the people who judge you and are constantly knocking you down, their self esteem is even lower than yours. They aren't really as perfect as they seem. You are the lucky one. You can be successful, just like Gabrielle and millions of other people like you.

Show me that you're Human. Stay positive.

Thank you.
Hannah Louise

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